Visit Our Retail Store |
13397 Smith Road |
Middleburg Hts, OH 44130 |
Holiday Store Hours |
15 Sunday CLOSED |
16 Monday CLOSED |
17 Tuesday 1pm-7pm |
18 Wednesday 1pm-7pm |
19 Thursday 1pm-7pm |
20 Friday 1pm-7pm |
21 Saturday 10am-5pm |
22 Sunday 10am-5pm |
23 Monday 1pm-7pm |
24 Tuesday Merry Xmas Eve! CLOSED |
25 Wednesday Merry Xmas! CLOSED |
26 Thursday 1pm-7pm |
27 Friday 1pm-7pm |
28 Saturday 10am-5pm |
29 Sunday CLOSED |
30 Monday 1pm-7pm |
31 Tuesday 1pm-5pm |
1 Wednesday Happy New Year! CLOSED |
2 Thursday 1pm-7pm |
3 Friday 1pm-7pm |
4 Saturday 10am-5pm |
Security Check |
Privacy and Security |
We validate the SSL Session ID automatically generated by your browser on every secure page request made to this server.
This validation assures that it is you who is navigating on this site with your account and not somebody else. |
We have detected that your browser has generated a different SSL Session ID used throughout our secure pages.
For security measures you will need to logon to your account again to continue shopping online.
Some browsers such as Konqueror 3.1 does not have the capability of generating a secure SSL Session ID automatically which we require. If you use such a browser, we recommend switching to another browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, or Mozilla, to continue your online shopping experience.
We have taken this measurement of security for your benefit, and apologize upfront if any inconveniences are caused.
Please contact the store owner if you have any questions relating to this requirement, or to continue purchasing products offline. |